Tanzania Injustices Proliferate with Allegations Of Abductee Starved & Tortured by Police

After abducting and illegally detaining Kombo Mbwana for 29 days, the Tanzania police eventually buckled to social media pressure and admitted to holding him (illegally) at a police station in Tanga, Tanzania.
Disconcerting information coming to light in dribs and drabs is that not only was Mbwana starved by the police in their detention cells, but he was ill with malaria and his fingers were broken.

Crunch time: a Habeus Corpus has been filed by a bevy of advocates, which means the police are now obligated to bring Kombo Mbwana to court.
In my article Tanzania’s #1 Organized Crime Syndicate, is the Government, I talk candidly about how corruption in Tanzania is rife, devoid of accountability whatsoever, and how increasingly the gap between the haves and have-nots has widened as the ruling elite live a life of extravagant splendor from plundering the nation’s natural resources; imposing double taxation on the poor, and misappropriating loans and aid packages secured from international development partners.
Stay tuned for updates via Diego Muller on X (formerly Twitter)